Categories for Salmon Fishing Trip

What Is Farmed Salmon?

September 24, 2019

When shopping for dinner at your grocery store’s meat counter, you may find yourself asking, “What is farmed salmon?” While terms like “wild caught” stir images of salmon runs in crisp northern waters, you might pick the farmed salmon for its lower price. What are the differences between wild and farmed salmon? Fish farming became a popular option as wild fish populations declined from overfishing. The different breeding and living conditions make for some key differences between wild and farmed salmon in Alaska. Living conditions Farmed salmon are kept in netted pens, where they cannot swim very far and may... View Article

What Is King Salmon?

August 13, 2019

Alaska is one of the best places in the world for salmon fishing, so it should come as no surprise that the official state fish of Alaska is the giant king salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), and has been since 1962. If you’re not from Alaska, you might be surprised when you visit by just how ubiquitous salmon is. You’ll find it cooked in all sorts of ways, including smoked, baked, pan-seared or even made into spreads for crackers. You’ll also find salmon in local artwork, in taxidermy shops, on t-shirts and in souvenirs. Salmon is truly one of the most important... View Article

When Does King Salmon Run in Talkeetna, AK?

May 7, 2019

Are you hoping to catch some king salmon this season? Experienced fishermen know that they must time their trips right to catch the king. Since various salmon species are found in different water bodies throughout the year, it’s important to arrive when the fish do, if you expect to haul any away during your Alaskan fishing charter. If you plan to visit Talkeetna, AK and hope to find king salmon in the river, you should plan your trip for mid-June through season closure in mid-July. This is when the King salmon run in Talkeetna, AK. What else do you need... View Article

When Is the Best Time for Salmon Fishing in Alaska?

March 25, 2019

There’s certainly no shortage of things to do for folks visiting Alaska! Both outdoor land and water adventures are abundant in our state, regardless of the season. By far, though, one of the most popular activities is salmon fishing. The most commonly asked question we get from travelers is when they should visit Alaska if they’re looking to reel in some salmon. Luckily, we have answers to their questions! Keep reading to learn about the best times to book salmon fishing trips in Alaska. What kind of salmon are you fishing for? The number one question to ask yourself before... View Article

Six Ways to Cook the Silver Salmon You Caught in Alaska

October 24, 2018

If you enjoy taking autumn salmon fishing trips in Alaska, then you know that you usually leave with a healthy amount of silver salmon—also known as coho salmon—to stock up in your freezer. But even this delicious, sought-after catch can get old if you cook it the same way all the time, so it is time to expand your culinary skills and learn about new ways to cook all that salmon you caught in Alaska! Pan fried: Pan frying is one of the easiest and quickest methods for cooking salmon, and it results in a tasty crispy skin. Heat a... View Article

Phantom Tri-River Charters