An Alaskan fishing trip can be a life-changing experience. It’s simultaneously restful and exciting, serene and challenging. And when you’re casting your line into the stunning waters of Alaska, you get to fish surrounded by some of the most jaw-droppingly beautiful environments in the world. To be sure, whether you’re surrounded by friends or family (or both), whether it’s your first time or your hundredth, a fishing trip in Alaska isn’t to be missed. When you plan your once-in-a-lifetime trip, though, you will want to make sure your visit isn’t marred by a run-in with the law. To keep the... View Article
There’s a huge number of benefits to eating salmon. These incredibly healthy fatty fish can help lower your blood pressure, aid in weight loss, improve your memory and increase the health of your skin. It truly is a wonder food. And that’s before you get to the fact that salmon is absolutely scrumptious. Best of all, salmon is adaptable to suit almost any palate. There are even more salmon recipes in Alaska than there are benefits to this fish, any of which will have your mouth watering in no time. Here are some of the best. Salmon steaks A lot... View Article
If you’re going to be spending any time in the Alaskan backwoods, it’s important to come well-armed with bear spray. This spray is used to deter a bear while it’s charging. You’ll find bears all over the Alaskan woods, and while they’re normally docile if left alone, it can be surprisingly easy to startle one, at which point they can become protective and aggressive. It is therefore important to understand the kind of bear propellant you should get and how to use it. Here’s an overview of what you should know about the best bear spray propellants in Alaska. Selecting... View Article
Alaska is one of the best places in the world for salmon fishing, but even up here, timing is important when planning your fishing excursions. There are certain times of day at which you’re more likely to get frequent bites, and also times of the year at which the fish are likely to be more active. In general, the best time of day to fish for salmon (or pretty much any other kind of fish) in Alaska is going to be early in the morning. At this time of day, fish are naturally more active in searching for food, before... View Article
There is an endless number of reasons to get as much salmon as possible in your diet. Salmon lowers blood pressure, reduces the risk of cancer, improves the function of your arteries, improves immune function, slows the aging process and offers a fantastic source of Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 and B12. On top of all those benefits, salmon is also incredibly delicious. If you’re still not sure, why not just check out these mouth-watering salmon recipe ideas in Alaska? We bet you’ll find one you like! Salmon and spud salad Put a fresh, new spin on meat... View Article