If you’ve been paying much attention to the weather during the winter over the last couple years, you’ve probably heard the term “polar vortex” on more than one occasion, typically during periods of particularly cold temperatures. While the term has become more commonly used in mainstream meteorology over the last several years, this isn’t exactly a new phenomenon—it’s something that’s been talked about for decades. The general idea behind a polar vortex is that it’s a large pocket of air that is very cold—often the coldest air you’ll find anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere. This air hovers over the polar... View Article
Alaska is a beautiful place to visit during most times of the year. There is always something to do, but the state has something else aside from being a prime vacation destination: as far as seafood goes, Alaska is one of the biggest producing regions in the world. Nearly 80 percent of the highest-value sockeye, king, Coho and other wild salmon species are caught in Alaska’s waters. Want to try your hand at catching salmon? Come to Alaska and fish for a variety of salmon, including sockeye, king, pink, chum and silver. If you are planning to book a fishing... View Article
You’ve never seen anything like winter in Alaska. Winter conditions begin to creep in during the first weeks of September and lingers through April, but the frigid temperatures are also accompanied by the darkness. The days grow shorter and shorter until the sun disappears entirely for weeks in some parts of the state. As the Earth rotates away from the sun, areas below the Arctic Circle never find themselves in the daylight. Many Alaskan cities see only a few hours of sunlight each day before the blanket of night returns. Other communities on the northern tip of the state see... View Article
Are you planning for your first big Alaskan fishing trip? If so, congratulations—this is an experience you will never forget! But in the midst of all this excitement, it is important that you make sure you pack everything you need for this excursion. If you are going through a fishing charter, then you will not need to worry about fishing equipment for your trip. However, you will need to pack the right clothing and personal items to ensure a comfortable and safe trip. Here are 10 items you won’t want to travel to Alaska without: Rain gear: You cannot bring... View Article
If you are about to embark on your very first Alaskan fishing trip, then chances are you are feeling a mixture of excitement and anxiety. The anxiety is understandable—after all, Alaska is seen as an exotic, faraway place for many folks in the “lower 48,” and for good reason! But here’s the good news: as long as you put a little time and effort into preparing for your Alaskan fishing expedition, then you shouldn’t have anything to worry about. Here is a simple overview of what you need to do when planning for your first Alaskan fishing trip. Be prepared... View Article