Of all the fish you can find and catch in the great state of Alaska, salmon may be the most prized. Not only is the fish plentiful during the summer months, but it’s also undeniably delicious. Of course, as valuable a trophy as a nice, juicy salmon can be, the fish are craftier than you might think. For first-time anglers headed out on a once-in-a-lifetime trip, here are some salmon fishing tips in Alaska. Make sure your tools are ready There’s a lot of prep you can do before you even set foot on the boat. Easily the most important... View Article
After catching and cleaning your wild-caught fish, the next step is to cook it. But cooking fish outside at a campsite is a little different from cooking fish at home in your kitchen. Never fear—here are some tips for cooking fresh fish over a campfire in Alaska. The basics of cooking fish in the wild Before diving into the different ways to cook fish while on a camping trip, let’s take a look at a few general quick tips for cooking fish in the great outdoors: Even if you don’t like to eat fish skin, keep it on while cooking.... View Article
Not too long ago, you might have been making a list of items to bring camping in Alaska—but that was probably before the coronavirus outbreak. To prevent the spread of COVID-19, government and health officials have enforced stay-at-home orders, with the exception of leaving to get essentials like groceries, curbside food pickup, home improvement supplies and medical care. Some establishments are considered essential businesses, which allows them to provide goods or services while following social distancing guidelines. Sadly, fishing charters are not on this list. However, although you can’t head out on a guided fishing or camping adventure at the... View Article
With COVID-19 spreading across the globe, it’s time for people to hunker down and quarantine themselves at home. News outlets are reporting on shoppers hoarding toilet paper and paper towels for the quarantine. Trust us, that’s not necessary! People need to think ahead and spend their money on things they’ll actually need when they’re stuck inside. The list below is items that are essential for quarantine in Alaska: Dry goods: Beans, rice, pasta, cereal and nuts will last in the pantry for months (if not years) without going bad. Get a few boxes of each and store them in the... View Article
These days, we all need to take safety precautions to avoid getting sick—especially when we’re in a group. The good news is that avoiding illness is possible as long as you know what to do and take the right actions. Keep reading to learn how to stay clean when traveling in Alaska: Wash your hands: The best way to prevent spreading germs is to wash your hands! We don’t just mean after you use the restroom, either—make a habit of washing your hands with hot water as frequently as possible. Don’t just rinse them off—instead, wash with soap for at... View Article