January 1, 2016 5:19 am
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If you visit us in the summer months for your Alaskan fishing trip, you will likely have salmon filets to spare. Even if you only catch a couple large fish, it is likely you may feel overwhelmed figuring out how to cook them. Here are seven salmon preparation ideas to get you started on your savory quarry: Get it smoked: One of your easiest options is to have a game processor smoke your catch. Not only does it taste good on its own or with crackers and cream cheese, but it makes the meat easier to get home. Seal it... View Article
December 15, 2015 8:08 am
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Planning an Alaskan fishing expedition is one of those monumental treasures in life if you’re an avid angler. From picking the dates to planning the flights, to finally touching down in America’s 49th state and claiming your spot on the fishing boat, every moment is exciting… but there’s no more exciting moment than when you feel a tug on your line. It’s indescribable. If you’re a seasoned fisherman, you know there’s no guarantee of a bite, however, which can mean some trepidation when you hit the water. What happens if the runs are slow that day? Are you using the... View Article
December 1, 2015 8:08 am
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When it comes to salmon fishing, the winter season isn’t going to herald much success. Generally, the most prolific salmon runs for all of the popular species tends to take place between May and October—this is when you’ll find the Kings, Reds, Silvers, Chums and Pinks surging through the runs en masse. From November through March-April, however, it can be slim pickin’s, even for the best of the best anglers. The season just isn’t right! Just because the salmon aren’t swimming during the winter season doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be thinking about an Alaskan fishing trip, however! In fact, this... View Article
November 15, 2015 4:30 am
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There is still a little time left for successful salmon fishing trips in Alaska this year. Prime season starts again in May, but if you do not want to wait that long, you need good tips to make a big catch before the peak times end. This overview will address the best practices for catching salmon, whether you wish to make an attempt this winter or try again next year. Ideal time to fish Peak fishing times depend on the species of salmon you seek. Generally, the best season runs from May through September, with some types being available as... View Article
November 1, 2015 4:29 am
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Peak fishing ends after November, but Phantom Tri-River Charters offers tours all year round. There is no need to wait until salmon season starts again in May, as we are willing to help you pursue other types of impressive fish. However, with the winter weather in mind, you will need to come prepared. Here is a planning guide to taking an Alaskan fishing trip: Pick a species: Knowing what you want to fish, if you have a preference, starts the ball rolling on your plans. You want to know any season limitations first. Visiting Alaska only to discover your preferred... View Article